I don't know who I am anymore. Some of you may remember my post just a couple of days ago, about how I scream at the sight of a mouse. I'm afraid that my motherly tendencies have gone a bit far this time. We had set a trap last week and caught a mouse after finding it had found it's way into a sealed Tupperware cont...ainer of flour. We set another one, because if there is one mouse, there's usually more. We didn't catch any the first day, and then, I saw out of the corner of my eye, this scurrying ball. I screamed. Then I watched as it scrambled over to the bottom cupboards and tried to climb up into one of them, sliding back down each time. IT WAS A BABY! It was so tiny and cute and helpless! (stop it! It's a rodent!) We immediately got rid of the trap, because it was just unfair. The mouse came out at the same time the next evening, right after I had finished cleaning up dinner. Same thing. Totally defenseless. This morning, it followed me into the small bathroom beside the kitchen, where I was putting on makeup. It just looked so lost. It didn't know what to do or where to go. Oh my gosh, we killed it's mother! A poor little orphaned baby mouse. If you know me well, you know that I am a people person. I have never been close with an animal in my life. I don't take notice of animals, and I've never had a desire to touch one. I'M TERRIFIED OF DOGS! I turned over Max's step stool, and the little guy scurried right in. That's right. I actually HELPED a rodent to live! I let him go free outside. A few hours later, Max and I came home from shopping, and Max stayed out to shoot some baskets while I brought the bags into the house. Within seconds, he was calling me. I went out, and there was the tiny baby mouse walking in circles in the driveway, right beside Max! I couldn't take it anymore. I had no idea what to do with it. I didn't know what to put it in, but I knew I had to help it. I grabbed the recycling box, which was deep enough that the mouse shouldn't be able to climb out of it, but spacious enough that it would have room to move. I lined it with newspaper (no idea what I'm doing), and watched as the little guy crawled into it on it's side. I brought it INTO MY HOUSE and set it in the mudroom. Yes, I did this. I willingly brought a rodent INTO my house!!!!! Who am I anyway???? I cut the bottom of a paper cup out to make a small dish, then filled it with some sunflower seeds. I don't know what to give it! It took one into it's tiny little hands (? or whatever it is that mice have), and started to eat it right away. *sigh* What have I done? Max is totally fascinated, and keeps saying to me, "Mom, are we caring for this mouse?" and I tell him yes, and then he says, "It's so nice of you to care for this mouse, mom." He can't believe it either. Shhhh! I just checked on it, and I think it's sleeping. That's good. I think. A minute ago, Max was playing him a song through a cardboard tube, which was probably comparable to a human having to listen to a continuous burst of feedback. What am I going to do?