If you have children, I'm hoping that you will be able to relate to this post. Is it just me, or is there a "spaz-out dance" that children do when they are getting ready for school and everything is uncomfortable? Please tell me you know what I'm talking about! They can be fully dressed and then something just snaps, and they break into the dance. I find this happens mostly during the winter months, aka snowsuit weather. Admittedly, I would not be thrilled to have to gear up each morning with snow pants, big boots, a puffy coat, a toque and mittens. However, I'm also not planning on spending a significant amount of time out in the snow. My daughter thinks that I am torturing her - making her wear all these layers of warm clothing. But as a mother, the thought of your child being outside for almost an hour in the cold winter weather, and not being warm enough, is a painful one. But tell me how it is that everything feels comfortable and right when they are dressing for outdoors at school? You KNOW that they are not doing the spaz-out dance there. No, this is one of those private performances for parents only.
My daughter's usual complaints are about her coat being too puffy and it making her look fat. Her boots are so uncomfortable, and she can't get them on. Does she have to wear snow pants? It's not even snowing out! Her fingers will not go into these gloves at all, scarves choke her, and that hat messes her hair and gives her static-cling. I'm wondering why children's clothing manufacturers make their clothes so darn uncomfortable?
One of my sisters has a daughter (who will remain nameless), who did the spaz-out dance every morning after she got dressed. She would just snap, and spaz-out, screaming, "There's pits in my socks!" Apparently, the corners of the seams at the toes of her socks had a hard little ball, which she referred to as pits. She did this every morning for awhile, until my sister was able to find her some seedless socks.
I have learned that the more I react to the spaz-out dance, the more lively the performance is. When it is brought to my attention so abruptly on our way out the door in the mornings, that everything feels uncomfortable and itchy, I now ignore it and it goes away...until the next morning.
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